today my bdae man! yeah!
same as last year...? nth special happen...
lols... this few days at school... got band camp..
thn some of us did something that is it not suppose to be done wan...
and make ppl angry? ya.
i really don noe wad to say...
coz i 无话可说,speechless lor...
oni noe this... today is a damn damn damn bad day! ):
i like start to hate my bdae sey... )':
haiz... how?!
forget it... jus sad!

Me & Shimin!
this taken on 8 of june~ we was playing double whacko...
thn after that bcoz we use too much water thn kena scolded.
by the VP. haiz...

Nolvin the HDB 太太 (:
this was taken by marissa i think.
took it from her blog. it happen on 10 june.
this was taken on 9 - 10 june... at night and morning.
playing there have lots of fun there! damn lots of fun! (:
another one... but bit don look like.
was talking whether to go out or not... coz goin to get spinning!
nolvin was spinning stella while amalina was like standing there and look.
A moon! which like don looks like...
okok i got nth else to say.
is really really got nth else to say le...
bye, take care!
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