shiow yu!

stella so shy! :P

cousin's goal!

stella coming... want to serve

shiow yu holding racket to cover her face!


here comes again!

don be so shy luh!
okay tats it still got more but lazy to uploaad some other days!
ok today go to jp wif shiow yu and marissa... thn we reach 77th street ask to take thing the person say havnt come thn we go walk walk lo thn found out tat today's movie ticket $6 thn decide to watch... first we say watch connected. but thn after tat we change to watch "mama mia"! the show is damn nice! and after we when in the show start liao thn the people-in-charge at the 77th street call me tell me tat the thing come liao! thn i tell shiow yu and her reaction was "angry" coz we waste money to watch movie when the thing juz come in a few hours! so qi si ren! thn nvm after tat we go to popular! coz i wanna to do member! thn after finish, we went to buy bubble tea thn go home! thn after tat cousin come... thought of playing basketball but until nw still havnt go down! :P hehe... ok ok going down le if not he scold me again! kk bye!
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