elaine so emo...
ME! kana shot by marissa...
OMG! mummy gao sex wif joanna!
stella so concentrate!
all talking oni i face the camera! wth!
why joanna and stella hide until like tat?
ok tats the end of the photo session! :) today got a lot of photo!
after we stop playing a while... phone myat and his frens come play basketball liao... strange siol 12.30 dismiss thn he 2 plus thn come! wth! nvm not my business oso... ok. today when i received a msg... thn wu yi zhong... marissa open it and read out sia... OMG! MARISSA! msg is personal wan! why open? nd you read it out! omg! haiz... suan le tis time fang le ni! no more next time liao hor! bad sia you... :( thn after tat go home bathe thn dad call say don cook his dinner! thn i forget to tell mummy! OMG! thn i hav to finish his meal... :( nw i damn full! arh! got one more thing is like very very bitter wan luh thn daddy nvr drink thn is like i hav to "finish" for him... if not ltr mummy will sure scold wan lo... wa lao eh... why i forget siol... if nvr forget thn nothing will happen lo... :( haiz... damn me.damn me. arh! haiz... ok ok i gtg finish everything tat has to be finished! bye...
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