hello... someone return me my dics liao... thn after tat go to class damn bored de lo... ms tan let us watch show... anime de bah... thn after tat mother tongue... mdm yak tell us our meaning of our name! haha... thn after tat is phy... but ms tan nvr come in... become ms leron. she told us tat we not going vivo but changi terminal 3 for the maths trail... wth i don understand go there for wad siol... nvm. thn after tat recess. thn art! art is do own things... thn i go play wif krishanth wif wad mummy pla wif sulaiman... haha... the drawing of the hand! thn i kana drawn by him too... :P but his wan more thn me! haha! thn after tat went playing basketball wif stella, jiaqi, joanna, lok teng, elaine, marissa & shiow yu. we play downstairs my house... but thn hor... at first... jiaqi ,joanna, stella, lok teng sit down under the block 529 and rest... so comfortable... thn after tat slowly i, shiow yu, marissa, elaine oso join them thn after we sit down become jiaqi, joanna, stella, lok teng, went to play... haha express and normal two different groups haha! wanna see photos? narh... :

stella so guai do sudoku...

Marissa & Me

secretly shot 1...

secretly shot 2...

secretly shot 3...

taken when called her! :)

so many hands ver mummy's head!

joanna making a monster face!

**** you... haha

fcuk you.. haha

secretly shot 4...

secretly shot 5...

mummy so shy! :P

taken when mummy nvr notice!

taken when lok teng nvr noticed...

mummy sending files!

shiow yu!

shiow yu trying to open a pack of tibits...

marissa so blur! :)

lokteng eating... joanna finding things to eat!
and mummy smiling so happy! haha...

marissa so guai sit aside do sudoku...
haha... tats all i taken! ltr got somemore! taken by marissa wan... go take from her! haha! :) (i'm so bad) :P but wad are frens for! haha! i copy shiow yu's line! haha... ok ltr thn talk!
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